About Founder

Making a big change in life is challenging. Sometimes you wish you had known more about what was involved beforehand , in order to cope better. Retirement can be one of those times. It certainly was for me and that is why I developed pre- retirement courses to help others make the most of this exciting new life stage.

Worshops, seminars and booklets grew from my studies in psychology at UCY(University of Cape Town), through my qualification as a Life Coach at SACAP (South African College of Applied Psychology and from a long career in journalism with the Irish Independent in Dublin. They were developed in tandem with my business partner in Cape Town strategic planning consultant Paul Britton. And they are based on our conviction that retirement has changed, moved beyond its outdated passive image and deserves a new name and we have one Rewirement!

Paul and I co-authored REWIRE don’t Retire  now in its second edition for Irish Life where it is available on line (https://www.irishlife.ie/plan-your-retirement). Now back in Dublin I will continue to offer workshops, seminars, talks and coaching with new business partner Dr Ray O’Donnchadha psychologist, teacher and author. The content of the course is based on the firm belief that REWIREMENT is the starting point of the happies and most fulfilling time of life and that our guidance will help you on your journey.